Friday, October 25, 2002

[10/25/2002 10:27:38 PM | Joan Bramsch]

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Information For Today's Parent!

<*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*> <*>
VOL. IV : Issue 12 October 25, 2002
Editor: Joan Bramsch

Common sense solutions for Today's Parenting Challenges!
Empowered Parents = Strong Families

You must be the change you wish to see in the world -- Ghandi

EP PARENTS ON OUR PLANET --- Is your country listed?

The Empowered Parent Ezine now serves members in the following countries:
Israel, Turkey, Greece, United States, Canada, Australia, South
Africa, Great Britain, Islands of Fiji, Scotland, New Zealand, Panama, Malta,
Spain, Brazil, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Latvia, India, Nigeria, The
Netherlands, Croatia, Mexico, Namibia, Poland, Belgiu, Philippines.

Please continue to send in your location. Send

Welcome To The Empowered Parent Store
Be a proud Empowered Parent!

"First keep peace within yourself, then you can bring peace to others."--
Thomas Kampis



They keep our service "priceless."


"Kid Safe: How To Protect Your Family From Molesters & Kidnappers" - An
absolute must have for all families. With school started, and so many
children at risk in an increasingly dangerous world, Kid Safe brings expert
advice, detailed instruction, and hope to families.

"Your Chapter on keeping children safe was excellent, and you had mentioned
some that I did not even think of. One (of yours) that I taught my 3
children about strangers in cars is.."Adults never ask children for
directions, always other Adults". So when my daughter 8 years old was asked
for directions by a man in a car she told him "Ask a Adult" and ran inside.
Thanks for your advice." Lisa

Buy it Today!.
<*> Letter to Parent
"You do what you know how to do; and when you know better, you do better."
- Maya Angelou

<*> Letter to Parent

Hi dear Parent,

Here's an idea from the good old days... when I went to grade school. It worked, too.

It's why I keep talking about nutrition. America is killing its kids! It's not kind to feed them junk food as a steady diet, even if we know it stops their whining. We are the ones who have caused their addiction. God did not send our sons and daughters into this world craving French fries, do you think?

A special blessing came to me at 5 this morning when I went to retire. The spotlight in the backyard was on, activated by a motion sensor. The shades was still up on the second story view. With enough light coming in I didn't turn on the room light, but moved to the windows. There, in full wonder-filled view, were three deer, calming, happily, munching upon the deep blanket of acorns which lay beneath the pin oak tree. I watched for a long time, then retired with a heartfilled blessing in my spirit. A lovely message of hope, yes? :)


Love, Joan

P.s. Hear ye, hear ye... The EP web site broke a record this week - visitors came from EIGHTY-EIGHT COUNTRIES! Wow! Have you been lately? You don't know what you're missin'! Http://

P.p.s. THIS IS WHAT I'M AIMING FOR, DEAR PARENT The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it. -- William James Amen. :)


"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." -- Erma Bombeck



Re getting down-sized:I've joined the EP Affiliate program for added income. My kids are my life. Thanks. K.G.

JOAN'S NOTE: If you need more income, here's the info.

Re Bulletin
that was a great (nutrition) article!!! if only all schools would do the same!! Hugs! tina:)
Re: 9/11 TRIBUTEThank you, Joan.This is truly in depth family sharing.In the end, everybody will win When we all become one family. Love, Marty

Re: EP BULLETIN - The tension between Iraq and the United States

Joan - this is beautiful - and perfect! Thank you so much for your words of
wisdom, compassion, and love. Love, JC

Re: The Wrigley's tv ad

Dear Joan:
I wrote to Wrigley's and got their response below. Maybe our opinions as parents count after all. Thanks for taking a stand and bringing this to our attention. I hope that the ad will be pulled. I watch little TV and the kids have limited TV hours on week-ends only. But still........

"Dear Mrs. L--------,
Thank you for writing to express your opinion about our commercials for Eclipse® gum.
Because the purpose of all Wrigley advertising is to win friends for our company and its products, we certainly like to know whenever anyone has some objection to one of our ads, and we appreciate hearing from you. Your point of view, along with other comments we have received about this campaign, will be carefully considered. Again, thank you for taking time to write.
Sincerely yours, WM. WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY, Consumer Affairs Coordinator"

JOAN'S NOTE: I haven't seen it in three weeks! Hooray for our side!

RE Poll - Hope this email let's you know that I am recieving it ok and I wanted to say thankyou, I have loved them all..... Selena

Re a little help... Hope this finds you well, Joan. Thanks again for taking the time to encourage me when I needed it so desperately. You made a difference! I did not think I could "do it" (be independent), but I am! I own a home and am finally happy with myself and my world. THANKS for being a long distance internet friend. Love, D

FROM Bill at rundrugsoutoftownrun@yahoo.comSubject: Wrigley
I am dumbstruck hearing about the Wrigley ad and they will hear from me too.

I recently saw a Budwieser ad showing two, less than role model types sitting at a bar having an exchange about the break up one has had with his girl friend. After each comment(excuse) about why the break up was a good thing the work FALSE flashes across the speaker's chest. Finally the bartender comes with two Buds and says "You guys need a Bud" to which TRUE flashes across his chest.

I wrote to Budwieser and asked if they were going to donate the ad to Partnership for a Drug Free America. They of course wrote back and defended it as humor. I did get the joke the first time around but had to respond that I was dead serious. This was the most effective ad I had ever seen that gave a good reason not to drink.
I have had several talks with my children (ages 7 & 9) about talking to strangers, playing too far from home, ect., but they still seem to have the 'no fear' complex. What can I do or say or show to them to impress upon them the importance of safety rules and protecting themselves?

ANSWER: First I have to say that we don't want your kids to live in fear... we want them to live with confidence and a healthy respect for safety. Not an easy thing to instill. Kids who have never been exposed to the threat don't see it as real. My daughter for instance is very aware because a fellow classmate was nearly kidnapped outside her school. This made quite an impression. Kids who have never had such exposure or a scare of their own really don't understand the threat. Your kids are also still quite young.

I would suggest signing them up for self defense classes in your area. It will give them what they need and also make you feel better. They are still relatively young and need your protection. They are too young to bear that responsibility. Hopefully you escort them (or have someone do it) to and from school or the bus stop and make sure they don't wander past any boundaries you have set for them in the neighborhood. They should also never play alone outside in front, especially in the afternoon and at dusk. I encourage kids to play in the backyard when possible. This will all go a long way in protecting them.

Best of luck to you and your loved ones.
Pam Coronado
Webmama Sara made a neato banner:
Dear Joan: Just read your most recent issue, and you need to add the Philippines as one of the countries where your material is being read. I just came across your site recently and am getting the TMIY lessons--they're great! I really enjoy them.

By the way, sorry to hear of the passing of your husband last year, but know that there's an extra prayer going up for you and your ministry now! Although all my kids are grown, and my baby, who is 29, is getting married the end of September, I can't wait to pass these lessons across to my kids to use on THEIR kids.

We have been missionaries here for almost 30 years, and I just wish we'd had some of this stuff available way back then! It is such rich material.Thanks so much for the time you dedicate to getting such good "word" out. May God continue to richly bless you. In Christ, Brenda


This article is interesting, related to photography and child abuse:

FOOD FOR THOUGHT. From William Shakespeare. .

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword.

It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind... And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry.
Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader,and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done.And I am. . . Caesar"

You know, in all the discussions I've read and listened to about the Arab countries, Iraq and the US bringing Suddam down, I have not read that the other Arab countries don't want the US to do that, not because Iraq is an Arab country, but because the US will replace the Iraq government w/ a democracy. THAT is what they fear because Saudi, for example, like most of them are autocracies. They were _not_ voted in by the people!


Anheuser-Busch offers Family Talk About Drinking, a guidebook and video,designed to help parents talk to their kids about the consequences of underagedrinking and drunk driving. You can request a free copy of each by calling1-800-359-TALK or view the booklet online by visiting our website at

AD: A home business should be fun and exciting- and Joonipers is all that and more! More items to sell, better price structure for your customers, and NEW.. YOU can be the first in your area. Owned and run by women! Visit today! Http://

Flowers never emit so sweet and strong a fragrance as before a storm. When a storm approaches thee, be as fragrant as a sweet-smelling flower. -- Jean Paul Richter

FROM Matthew Lesko's newsletter

This time of year H&R Block offers courses on how to prepare income taxes with a price around $200. I took the course and I also took a FREE course offered by the IRS. They used the same book, but the IRS FREE course was better. The government course was taught by an IRS
auditor. The only catch to the free course is that you have to volunteer in your neighborhood to help others prepare their taxes. It's worth it. Classes are starting now,so call you local Taxpayer Education Office listed in the Blue Pages of your phone book. Ask about the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program call 1-800-829-1040 or visit:

Both poverty and wealth are offspring of thought. – Victor Hugo
You become what you think about most of the time. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are what we believe we are. – Benjamin O Cordozo

Read this interview by Bill Moyer

Is it true that a Rhode Island man is donating $5 to fight hunger whenever someone clicks on his website? Yes. Philanthropist Alan Shawn Feinstein is donating $5 for every person -- up to 200,000 -- who clicks on his website. Do your part to help. Go the website and click on the picture. Thank you! Click here:

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. -- George Bernard Shaw


It's Our World Too!: Young People Who Are Making a Difference, How They Do
It -- How You Can, Too! (Farrar, Straus, & Giroux; September 2002;
0374336229; Paperback; $13.00)

"Two books in one: first, fourteen fascinating accounts of
children working for human rights, the needy, the environment, or world
peace . . . Second, a handbook for young activists, with practical
suggestions for planning, organizing, publicizing, and raising funds for
social action projects." --Kirkus Reviews

You may not know it, but young activists helped win America's
independence, end slavery, secure better conditions for workers, and win
civil rights for all Americans. In most history books, you never hear about
them. "We're not taught about younger people who have made a
difference," says Sarah Rosen, fourteen, who led a demonstration for
women's rights at her school when she was ten. "So studying history
almost makes you feel like you're not a real person."

Five Action Kits are now available to download in pdf format. Download a copy, or request that one be mailed by leaving a detailed message at 202/626-3014 or by emailing Single copies are free from the National League of Cities. * Expanding Afterschool Opportunities * Promoting Youth Participation * Improving Public Schools * Helping Working Families * Protecting Children & Youth


The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has released a new elementary school curriculum: "'Brain Power!' The NIDA Junior Scientists Program." Available online and designed for use in second-and third-grade classrooms, "Brain Power!" focuses on the biological effects of drug abuse on the body and the brain. For the rest of the story go to:

To view the program online go to:


"I Don't Play Hurt"
by Alan Cohen

People often ask me who my gurus are. Years ago I would rattle off the names of various well-known sages whose names ended with "-ananda" and numerous cultural and religious icons. And indeed there are many wonderful such teachers.

More recently I have been impressed by ordinary people who don't talk much about spiritual matters; they just live it. After hearing and talking about unconditional love for many years, I find it quite refreshing to see it in action with no hype or flourishes. These hidden gurus masquerade as hotel cleaning ladies, shoe shiners, or rental car shuttle bus drivers. They look like regular people, and they are - except they are extraordinarily shiny and they embody an earthy wisdom that stops me in my tracks.

My most recent encounter with a saint-in-disguise was with a limo driver who picked me up at the Los Angeles Airport. Terry was a tall, husky African-American man who could have just as easily worked as a bouncer. His hair was buzzed almost to his scalp, his neck the width of a mortal man's thigh, and he did not smile much. He arrived at baggage claim about 20 minutes late. I was not about to get in his face.

Terry apologized for being late, explaining that he had had a minor fender bender in the airport parking lot; a young lady who had just gotten her driver's license that day, tapped his car in the rear end. Although there was no damage, they had exchanged paperwork.

Along the route, I overheard Terry on his 2-way radio reporting his mishap to his dispatcher. "Was there any damage to the car?" asked the dispatcher.

"None," Terry answered curtly.
"Did you get hurt?" was the next question.
"Not really."
"How's your neck feel?"
"Feels alright."
Short silence. Dispatcher returns: "You know, there could be some cash in this for you."

Although I felt a bit disgusted to hear this, I was not surprised; lots of people think like this. But Terry's response did surprise me. In a very authoritative manner, he answered, "I don't play hurt."

I don't play hurt. Now there's an affirmation to file in a conspicuous place. I don't play hurt. My God, that's exactly what I've been learning and teaching for so many years! (And how many lifetimes?) Don't play small. Don't assume a victim position. Don't seek rewards for pain. Be magnificent. Be self-empowered. Be whole. Play grand, for that's who you - all of us - truly are.

Why, if we are all so grand, would people want to play small? Because they believe that the rewards for pain outweigh what they would be receiving if they were well and whole. Let's consider some of the rewards we might garnish for being hurt: money; gifts; attention; sympathy; control over others; getting out of work; escaping relationships with unresolved issues; avoiding undesired sex; postponing decision making; being right; an identity; acceptance in a group which glorifies similar pain; and on and on.

Now let's consider the benefits of not playing hurt: integrity; honesty; health; prosperity; success; rewarding relationships; self-empowerment; and peace of mind. The entire list of worldly rewards for playing small doesn't add up in value to even one of the benefits of practicing wholeness. The rewards for victimhood are not satisfying at all; they only drive pain, separateness, and illusion deeper. The benefits of living large are empowering and go on gathering good.

Consider the scenario of a man walking down a street when a flowerpot falls off a windowsill above him and crashes at his feet, narrowly missing hitting him. There are several paths of response the fellow could take:
(1) Victim: he slips into feeling vulnerable, goes home, feels sorry for himself, and sends away for self-protection equipment;
(2) Retaliator: he dashes up to the apartment from which the flowerpot fell and punches out the owner;
(3) Stoic: he reasons that it was simply his karma for the flower pot to miss him and he keeps walking; and
(4) Healer: he goes to the florist on the corner, purchases a replacement flower, finds the apartment from which the pot fell, and gives it to the owner to replace the one he accidentally lost.

Obviously, the path of the healer is the most empowering and regenerative. The healer "don't play hurt." We have all felt hurt. We don't have to stay hurt. It takes a big person to grow beyond the seeming rewards for smallness. Terry knows. He got hit in the butt, but he would rather get on with the fun portion of the ride.

Alan Cohen Publications
Visit Alan's website at:

The new book - Success: A Spiritual Matter - by Rick Beneteau is outstanding! It's a business book with spirit, comprised of revealing, personal essays and special bonus audio interviews by the leaders in internet marketing and sales. The contributors, many of whom I know personally, others whom I shall endeavor to meet and befriend soon because they appear to be approachable and willing to share with those of us a step or two behind, illustrate once and for all that the winners in business, not only talk the talk, they walk the walk. Bravo, Rick. I shall highly recommend your latest "brilliant idea" to my readers.

Submitted by:
Joan Bramsch, founder
And The Empowered Parenting Ezine
Among the longest running Family publications on the net.

Free Legal Help With Child Support

No matter what your income, you can get the most powerful organization in the world, your government, to fight for you to establish paternity; set up a court order for child support; track down a missing parent and collect child support; and get the courts to adjust child support orders. There are a few states that may charge you up to $25, but why hire an attorney who will charge you up to $200 an hour? Contact your state Child Support Enforcement Office or contact Office of Child Support Enforcement, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, SW, Washington, DC 20447; 202-401-9373;

SOUND FAMILIAR? This is from a 19th century magazine.


(From Harper's Roundtable Magazine)

1. Encourage your children to do well. Show them you are pleased when
they do well.

2. Combine firmness with gentleness. Let your children understand that
you mean exactly what you say.

3. Seldom threaten. Always be careful to keep your word.

4. Never punish your children when you are angry. Be calm.

5. Never use violent or terrifying punishments.

6. Teach your children not to waste anything, to be clean and tidy, to sit
quietly at meals, and to take care of and mend their clothes.

7. Above all, let parents be themselves what they would wish their
children to be.

<*> Marketplace

Check out special offers, deals and reviews

"KID SAFE: How To Protect Your Family From Molesters & Kidnappers" - An
absolute must have for all families. With school started, and so many
children at risk in an increasingly dangerous world, Kid Safe brings expert
advice, detailed instruction, and hope to families.

Buy it Today!

A Course for Children, 2.5 to 7 yrs. Joan will give you what you need to help your child - Gifted, Average or Special - learn the skills for success in school and in Life. Let Joan help you.

THE SAFE MONEY REPORT is 100% satisfaction guaranteed Enjoy all the
benefits of the Safe Money Report for a full year for just $99 … or better
yet, get two years for just $198… It's risk free. Call (800)-236-0407 Ask
for Doreen. This is HALF-PRICE for EP!

"Nutrition and Kids Adventures" is a cutting edge computer game designed to
help kids teach themselves about proper nutrition, healthier foods, and
having a healthy body. This CD-ROM game is for our elementary age children
to have fun as they learn about health and nutrition.

If I didn't think this program could make a difference in the health and
well-being of Families I would not recommend it. Please, see for yourself,
dear Parent. Then ACT! My grandkids love to play it.

SUCCESS NET -- Michael Angier is the founder and president of Success
Networks. Success Net's mission is to inform, inspire and empower people to
be their best -- personally and professionally. Want help with your goals
for this year?

War cannot be humanized, it can only be abolished.
-- Albert Einstein

The ultimate oxymoron: "Holy War"


We are not going to be able to operate our
Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a
whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.
-Buckminster Fuller

NEXT ISSUE: More of the best I can find for you, dear Parent. And those EP
Bulletins will continue, if sporadically. .

* . (\ *** /) * . *
. * ( \ (_) / ) * Guardian Angel * .
. (_ / | \ _) . * .
* . /____\ * . . *
In the meantime, here is an angel sent to watch over you for me...

We are Angels born with but one wing,
In order to fly we must embrace one another.


Till next time, don't forget -- Parenthood is Wonder-filled!

Fondly, Joan

DISCLAIMER: The Empowered Parenting Ezine is intended to increase your
knowledge of the opinions and options in the fields that we cover. There is
no guarantee of validity or accuracy. Its contents should not be used to
replace professional advice. Empowered Parenting assumes no responsibility
for injury and specifically disclaims any warranty, express or implied for
any products or services mentioned. If expert assistance or counseling is
needed, services of a competent professional should be sought.


© 1999-2002 Joan Bramsch/JB INFORMATION STATION.
All rights reserved worldwide.
ISSN: 1526-2154 - Library Of Congress, Washington DC, USA

Permission to download text is for personal use only. It is illegal to
reproduce or transmit in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, any part of this copyrighted text without permission in
writing from the publisher.

All material copyright © Joan Bramsch 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 (unless otherwise
